Analyse-Software ArtemiS SUITE 11.0: Jetzt mit Betriebsschwingungsanalyse (ODS), integrierter Rekorder-Funktion und nutzerfreundlichen Arbeitsmappen

Neue Version der etablierten Sound & Vibration-Softwareplattform wartet mit zahlreichen Highlights und Erweiterungen auf
ArtemiS SUITE - the sound & vibration analysis software from HEAD acoustics – offers new impressive trend-setting features in its release 11.0 such as operating deflection shape (ODS) analysis and the introduction of workbooks for managing various measurement procedures in a simplified and customizable process. Artemis SUITE now also includes an integrated recording tool that makes using additional components and interfaces unnecessary. Alongside the three new features mentioned, the analysis software also offers a clearly structured user interface and numerous smaller improvements facilitating intuitive operation and a dependable analysis workflow.
Operating deflection shape (ODS) analysis now available as a tool
Amongst the new features, the new ODS tool stands out, allowing to determine the dynamic properties of mechanical structures. “In the course of a project development cycle, the issue of a structure’s dynamic properties is of concern to any engineer: With ArtemiS SUITE 11.0, we’ve made important headway in facilitating structural assessment at the highest level on a modular software platform,” explains Dr Aulis Telle, Managing Director at HEAD acoustics. With the new ODS tool, users are able to animate acoustic measurement results using 3D and CAD object data in order to implement the detailed analysis of dynamic behaviour, Dr Telle continues.
Integration of a success story: recorder now tightly integrated in ArtemiS SUITE
With the recorder solution in ArtemiS SUITE 11.0, data is not just measurable but also directly analysable. The recorder, previously functioning as a stand-alone system, has been integrated into the software platform in both a technical and visual sense. Configuring the measurement structure is just as simple a task as the real-time monitoring of recorded measurement signals. Many user-friendly features facilitate intuitive use of the recorder.
Seamless workflow thanks to workbooks
Workbooks are an entirely new feature in Artemis SUITE: The layout of the tool windows and all opened documents can be saved as snapshots. Switching quickly between various sessions is easily possible. The next time the session is loaded, this guarantees that you can continue from where you left off. This allows, for example, prepared analyses of several Mark Analyzers to be conveniently packaged in a single workbook and further utilised at another workstation.
Die HEAD acoustics GmbH ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von ganzheitlichen Lösungen zur Schall- und Schwingungsanalyse. Im Telekommunikationsbereich erfährt das Unternehmen global Anerkennung aufgrund der Expertise sowie Vorreiterrolle in der Entwicklung von Hard- und Software zur Messung, Analyse und Optimierung von Sprach- und Audioqualität sowie kundenspezifischer Lösungen und Dienstleistungen. Das Leistungsspektrum von HEAD acoustics reicht von Sound Engineering für technische Produkte über die Untersuchung von Umweltlärm bis hin zu Speech Quality Engineering sowie Consulting, Training und Support. Das Unternehmen aus Herzogenrath bei Aachen hat Tochtergesellschaften in China, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Indien, Japan, Südkorea und den USA sowie zahlreiche Vertriebspartner weltweit.
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstraße 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath