Automatically assess the perceived listening effort of received speech signals with "ABLE"

New option for the measuring and analysis software ACQUA
Headphones, mobile phones, in-vehicle hands-free terminals and in-car communication systems have one thing in common: Environmental noise impairs the intelligibility of received speech signals to the listener. In order to evaluate the influence of background noise on speech signals automatically and reproducibly, HEAD acoustics has developed “ABLE” (Assessment of Binaural Listening Effort), a method to predict perceived listening effort. It is now available as option for the measurement and analysis software ACQUA.
Assessment process of “ABLE” according to ETSI standard TS 103 558
The prediction model of “ABLE” analyzes and assesses the perceived effort required to follow a conversation. ACQUA presents the results comprehensively and comparably according to a five-point Mean Opinion Score (MOS) scale: a high score of five means that low effort is required to understand the speech and vice versa. In a test setup, the HEAD acoustics background noise simulation systems 3PASS lab or 3PASS flex simulate the environmental noise. Speech and noise are binaurally recorded with an artificial head in a realistic way. This signal is used as an input for the prediction model.
The analysis and the assessment process of the new ACQUA option “ABLE” follows the ETSI standard TS 103 558. “With ABLE, we provide manufacturers of ANC headphones, mobile phones, hands-free terminals, and in-car communication systems an efficient tool for benchmarking their devices”, says Dr. Hans W. Gierlich, Managing Director Telecom at HEAD acoustics GmbH.
HEAD acoustics GmbH est une des plus importantes entreprises proposant des solutions globales pour l'analyse du son et des vibrations. Dans le secteur des télécommunications, l'entreprise jouit d'une reconnaissance mondiale grâce à son expertise et à son rôle de pionnier dans le développement de matériel et de logiciels pour la mesure, l'analyse et l'optimisation de la qualité de la parole et de l’audio, ainsi que de solutions et de services spécifiques aux clients. La gamme de services de HEAD acoustics couvre l'ingénierie du son pour les produits techniques, l'étude des bruits environnementaux, l'ingénierie de la qualité vocale ainsi que le conseil, la formation et l'assistance. Située à Herzogenrath, près d'Aix-la-Chapelle, l’entreprise possède des filiales en Chine, en France, en Italie, en Inde, au Japon, en Corée du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis, ainsi que de nombreux partenaires commerciaux dans le monde entier.
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath