HEAD acoustics releases software for sound and vibration analysis ArtemiS SUITE 9.2

Psychoacoustic analysis Tonality (hearing model) has been implemented
HEAD acoustics GmbH – one of the world’s leading companies for holistic acoustic solutions - releases the version 9.2 of the software for sound and vibration analysis Artemis SUITE.
ArtemiS SUITE 9.2 offers many new features: Besides the ability to play back video recordings in sync with the audio channels and the visualization of the driven GPS track on a map, the psychoacoustic analysis Tonality (hearing model) according to Prof. Sottek was integrated.
With the new method, tonal noise components can be identified and evaluated psychoacoustically. For this purpose, a theoretical hearing model based on the physiology of the human ear was developed. This can explain and describe psychoacoustic effects and fundamental auditory impressions. The analysis Tonality can be used to check if, for example, an electric motor produces undesired noise. In addition, the analysis can be used in a noise quality metric to detect tonal noises.
The perception-based method for calculating the tonal character of sounds is submitted for standardization in ECMA-74 and is expected to be included in the fifteenth edition of this standard.
Characteristic of ArtemiS SUITE: High degree of user-friendliness
With the clearly structured Pool Project, selected analyses are performed fast and easily. The Pool Project is ideal for troubleshooting tasks: efficient filters, analyses and statistics functions are ready to solve even challenging tasks with minimal training and setup time.
As an alternative to this interactive work approach, there are two project types available for recurring tasks: Automation Project and Standardized Test Project. Once configured, a complete evaluation including a report as PPTX or PDF is initiated with the push of a button.
Compact Analysis is an ArtemiS SUITE module which is focused on the basic functions and offers an economical alternative. With this module, even occasional users or users needing a lesser “toolbox” are able to conduct fast and easy evaluations.
HEAD acoustics GmbH est une des plus importantes entreprises proposant des solutions globales pour l'analyse du son et des vibrations. Dans le secteur des télécommunications, l'entreprise jouit d'une reconnaissance mondiale grâce à son expertise et à son rôle de pionnier dans le développement de matériel et de logiciels pour la mesure, l'analyse et l'optimisation de la qualité de la parole et de l’audio, ainsi que de solutions et de services spécifiques aux clients. La gamme de services de HEAD acoustics couvre l'ingénierie du son pour les produits techniques, l'étude des bruits environnementaux, l'ingénierie de la qualité vocale ainsi que le conseil, la formation et l'assistance. Située à Herzogenrath, près d'Aix-la-Chapelle, l’entreprise possède des filiales en Chine, en France, en Italie, en Inde, au Japon, en Corée du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis, ainsi que de nombreux partenaires commerciaux dans le monde entier.
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath