HEAD acoustics launches new generation of artificial heads with advanced types of artificial ears

- Anatomically correct artificial ears
- Fullband-capable two-way artificial mouth
- Modular concept
The new generation of artificial head measurement systems by HEAD acoustics offers a variety of new and unique features for telecommunication and audio testing. The basis is a modular concept allowing to exchange different types of artificial ears by the user himself. The new type of artificial ear which better reproduces the ear canal geometry and the human ear impedance is combined with a truly fullband artificial mouth. In addition, numerous detailed refinements and an extensive range of accessories help to make life easier for acoustics engineers. Due to its modularity, the new artificial head is future proof. Users can be easily extend and upgrade the artificial head.
“The new HMS II.3 LN HEC artificial head is perfect for testing the voice and audio quality of all telecommunication and audio equipment,” says Christian Schüring, sales manager Telecom at HEAD acoustics GmbH. “By emulating the acoustically relevant structures of the pinna and ear canal as well as an improved replication of the ear impedance in combination with the outstanding dynamic range, the artificial head sets a new standard, especially for measurements of sound transducers close to the ear, such as headphones, hearing aids and mobile phones."
New occluded ear simulator and pinnae
HMS II.3 LN HEC realistically emulates all the acoustically relevant structures of the human ear. The new pinnae with a human-like ear canal are especially suitable for testing e.g. in-ear headphones and ear buds. The artificial head is equipped with a low-noise occluded ear simulator whose impedance response matches that of the human ear. The high-sensitivity microphone capsule has an inherent noise floor of 16 dBSPL(A) and a maximum sound pressure level of 148 dBSPL. This dynamic range makes the artificial head the perfect measurement instrument for testing high-quality ANC headsets. In addition, measurements can cover the entire dynamic range of human hearing, from the hearing threshold to the pain threshold.
Two-way mouth loudspeaker
The artificial mouth of HMS II.3 LN HEC is equipped with a two-way loudspeaker. It reproduces the full frequency range of the audible human voice, making it ideal for fullband measurements. In sending direction, the transmission range is between 50 Hz and 20 kHz. The acoustic characteristics of the two-way mouth exceed the requirements of the international recommendation ITU-T P.58.
Modular concept
The modular concept is yet another feature of HMS II.3 LN HEC: in the future, ear simulators and pinnae of the new artificial head measurement systems can be interchanged quickly and easily. “This feature means that for the first time, users now have an artificial head that they can customize for different applications,” says Dr. Gierlich. “Depending on the measurement scenario, engineers can use different types of artificial ears for their measurements. They can choose from low-noise or standard occluded ear simulators, standard or simplified pinnae or the new pinnae with human-like ear canal.”
HEAD acoustics GmbH est une des plus importantes entreprises proposant des solutions globales pour l'analyse du son et des vibrations. Dans le secteur des télécommunications, l'entreprise jouit d'une reconnaissance mondiale grâce à son expertise et à son rôle de pionnier dans le développement de matériel et de logiciels pour la mesure, l'analyse et l'optimisation de la qualité de la parole et de l’audio, ainsi que de solutions et de services spécifiques aux clients. La gamme de services de HEAD acoustics couvre l'ingénierie du son pour les produits techniques, l'étude des bruits environnementaux, l'ingénierie de la qualité vocale ainsi que le conseil, la formation et l'assistance. Située à Herzogenrath, près d'Aix-la-Chapelle, l’entreprise possède des filiales en Chine, en France, en Italie, en Inde, au Japon, en Corée du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis, ainsi que de nombreux partenaires commerciaux dans le monde entier.
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath