Global Certification Forum: HEAD acoustics provides world´s first certified test solution for super-wideband-capable mobile devices

HEAD acoustics is the world´s first - and up to now the only - manufacturer of measurement technology to have received approval from the Global Certification Forum (GCF) and the PCS Type Certification Review Board (PTCRB) responsible for North America for its test solution for super-wideband-capable mobile devices. The successfully certified test platform TP 190 consists of two main components: the communication quality analysis system ACQUA and the hardware platform labCORE. This certified solution enables mobile phone manufacturers, mobile network operators and test service providers to test the conformity of their devices according to GCF Work Item 252.
Release 12.8.0 of the 3GPP standards TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 as basis
Based on the 3GPP standards TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 Release 12.8.0, an independent test laboratory has conducted the comprehensive audio test cases for all narrowband, wideband and super-wideband scenarios. The certified system consists of established measurement technology from HEAD acoustics. The hardware platform labCORE - including required extensions for VoLTE telephony like coreIP, coreIP-EVS, coreIP-AMR and coreIP-IMP - allows data acquisition and signal conditioning for the communication analysis system ACQUA. The software, on the other hand, offers a wide range of options for evaluating communication quality. In addition to the main components ACQUA and labCORE, the artificial head measurement system HMS II.3, the motorized handset positioner HHP IV and the background noise simulation system HAE-BGN are part of the certified test platform.
"This certification emphasizes the leading role of HEAD acoustics in the field of measurement technology for voice and audio quality of state-of-the-art mobile devices," says Dr. Hans W. Gierlich, Managing Director Telecom at HEAD acoustics. "With our test platform, we provide our customers an efficient and automated solution to test the audio performance requirements of GCF and PTCRB for their 3G and 4G devices and to optimize their signal processing."
HEAD acoustics GmbHは統合音響ソリューションと騒音振動解析のリーディングカンパニーです。テレコム分野でも音声品質・オーディオ品質の測定、分析、最適化の為のハードウエアとソフトウエア開発の専門性と先進性、個々のお客様に合った具体的なソリューションやサービスの提供で世界で広く認知されています。ヘッドアコースティクスが提供するサービスは技術製品のサウンドエンジニアリング、環境ノイズ調査、音声品質技術、コンサルティング、トレーニング、サポートと多岐に亘ります。本社はアーヘン市近郊のヘルツォーゲンラート市にあり、中国、フランス、イタリア、インド、日本、韓国、英国、米国に子会社があります。またその他世界中の代理店を通じ幅広くお客様対応をしています。
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath