Obituary of Reinhard Scholz

Mr. Scholz was Commercial Managing Director of HEAD acoustics GmbH since 1992.
As an excellent and critical-analytical thinking team player he built up the startup HEAD acoustics with a great, motivated team over years to a very solid, financially strong, successful and independent company.
Full of commitment and affirmation of life, tough but fair, sensitive and empathetic in combination with his special sense of humor - this is how we will remember him, here in Germany as well as in the many international subsidiaries he founded worldwide. He has had a lasting influence on the history of HEAD acoustics.
Since the establishment of the HEAD Genuit Foundation in 2008, Mr. Scholz has helped shaping and overseeing its activities and fortunes as a member of the board of trustees. After his retirement as Commercial Director of HEAD acoustics GmbH in 2017, he took over the position of Chief Financial Officer of the foundation. He has steered and accompanied the foundation's work competently, fairly, constructively and with a steady hand in harmonious cooperation.
HEAD acoustics GmbHは統合音響ソリューションと騒音振動解析のリーディングカンパニーです。テレコム分野でも音声品質・オーディオ品質の測定、分析、最適化の為のハードウエアとソフトウエア開発の専門性と先進性、個々のお客様に合った具体的なソリューションやサービスの提供で世界で広く認知されています。ヘッドアコースティクスが提供するサービスは技術製品のサウンドエンジニアリング、環境ノイズ調査、音声品質技術、コンサルティング、トレーニング、サポートと多岐に亘ります。本社はアーヘン市近郊のヘルツォーゲンラート市にあり、中国、フランス、イタリア、インド、日本、韓国、英国、米国に子会社があります。またその他世界中の代理店を通じ幅広くお客様対応をしています。
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath