Simulate room reverberation with 3PASS reverb

HEAD acoustics launches world´s first acoustic environment for realistic measurements
Users of mobile phones, voice-operated smart home devices or hands-free terminals have to deal with different background noises and room reverberation that impair their user experience. Therefore, realistic performance tests of communication devices do not only need to consider background noise but also reverberation. HEAD acoustics launches 3PASS reverb for this purpose, a software option for its background noise simulation systems 3PASS lab and 3PASS flex. 3PASS reverb is capable of simulating realistic room reverberation.
Realistic reproduction in the laboratory
With 3PASS reverb, the audio experts of HEAD acoustics have developed a methodology that enables developers and manufacturers to reproduce different room characteristics like realistic reverberation in the laboratory. The software simulates the reverberation of the room by applying the previously recorded impulse responses to any audio signal in real time. While an artificial head measurement system plays back the direct sound signal, the background noise system covers playback of the reverberation components based on the impulse response from the original room. Exemplary impulse responses from various rooms are included as standard in 3PASS reverb.
The methodology invented by HEAD acoustics has been successfully approved as ETSI standard TS 103 557 in December 2018.
HEAD acoustics GmbHは統合音響ソリューションと騒音振動解析のリーディングカンパニーです。テレコム分野でも音声品質・オーディオ品質の測定、分析、最適化の為のハードウエアとソフトウエア開発の専門性と先進性、個々のお客様に合った具体的なソリューションやサービスの提供で世界で広く認知されています。ヘッドアコースティクスが提供するサービスは技術製品のサウンドエンジニアリング、環境ノイズ調査、音声品質技術、コンサルティング、トレーニング、サポートと多岐に亘ります。本社はアーヘン市近郊のヘルツォーゲンラート市にあり、中国、フランス、イタリア、インド、日本、韓国、英国、米国に子会社があります。またその他世界中の代理店を通じ幅広くお客様対応をしています。
HEAD acoustics GmbH
Ebertstr. 30a
D-52134 Herzogenrath