HEAD System Integration and Extension

HEAD acoustics System Integration and Extension (ASX 01 - ASX 08) allows ArtemiS SUITE to be seamlessly integrated into users’ own operating processes and existing system landscape. It also facilitates secure programmatic access to users’ own recording and analysis results, such as from MatLAB®. The following extensions are available:
ASX 00: System Integration and Extension Guidelines
(Code 5090)
System Integration and Extension Guidelines provides extensive documentation for HEAD acoustics interfaces in the form of various practical model applications, a programming reference, and sample code in C#, MatLAB®, and Python.
ASX 01: Data Access API
(Code 5091)
Data Access API provides a .NET programming library that can be used to read and write HEAD Data Files (HDF) containing recordings and analysis results.
ASX 02: Data Processing and Representation API
(Code 5092)
Data Processing and Representation API provides an interface for the Remote Library. This enables various functions to be managed with dedicated software applications and thereby integrated in one customized, highly specialized workflow.
In conjunction with ASM 05, the interface-free ArtemiS SUITE calculation engine can also be controlled directly from dedicated software applications. This allows scalable and automated batch analyses tailored to the specific use.
ASX 03: SQala Extension API
(Code 5093)
The SQala Extension API makes it possible to incorporate additional steps into SQala. Both the test logic and the user interface can be modified to implement advanced test designs. The framework provides a suitable test environment and ensures that the HDF files are played back correctly. The additional steps and the process of exporting the results can be designed to match the native SQala steps.
ASX 04: Data Acquisition API
(Code 5094)
With the ASX 04 interface you can control various functions of the recorder of ArtemiS SUITE.For easy access to the recorder, you may program your own user interface, for example. Integrate the recorder seamlessly into your own software solution, e.g. to perform mobile tasks, test bench measurements, etc.
ASX 05: Documentation and Metadata API
(Code 5095)
Seamlessly integrate user documentation and documentation templates of ArtemiS SUITE into your own software solutions with the ASX 05 interface. You may, for example, extend your software for the automatic saving of user documentation on test benches or in mobile operations. The information can be fully used for analyses in ArtemiS SUITE, databases, etc.
ASX 06: Data Processing Add-In API
(Code 5096)
With the ASX 06 interface, users can implement their own filters and analyses programmed with MATLAB®, .NET etc. in the pool, automation, metric and standardized test projects.
ASX 07: Local Processing Service
(Code 5097)
The ArtemiSproc.exe is part of the HEAD System Integration and Extension setup and enables the execution of existing Automation Projects without the need to have ArtemiS SUITE installed. Measurements can be directly analyzed at the touch of a button.
ASX 08: Local Recording Service
(Code 5098)
The ArtemiSrec.exe is part of the HEAD System Integration and Extension setup and is used for the remote control of the Stand Alone Recorder. In combination with ASX 07, data acquisition, analysis, and export can be performed without ArtemiS SUITE necessarily to be installed.
ASX 09: Reporting Library
(Code 5099)
The new Reporting Library (ASX 09) enables you to read, modify, export, and store reports without installing ArtemiS SUITE. A report can be exported as a pdf or as PowerPoint and saved as a new report file.