Comprehensive and Efficient End-of-Line Testing  

Manufacturers are under enormous pressure in the global marketplace to deliver perfect products on the first try and on time in order to meet customer expectations and remain competitive. The consequences of poor manufacturing quality and product defects can be severe, leading to product recalls, delays in product launches, customer dissatisfaction and ultimately cost increases. This underlines the critical role of a reliable quality control solution.

HEAD acoustics empowers your end-of-line process with the most advanced and reliable vibroacoustic quality testing on the market to ensure that your products are manufactured on time and meet your quality standards.

Trusted vibroacoustic technologies

With almost 40 years of expertise in vibroacoustic testing and optimization, HEAD acoustics is a respected name in the industry. Our holistic end-of-line testing solution is not just a “nice-to-have” for your assembly line, but a highly specialized and powerful tool to ensure your products outperform the competition. We are experts in our field and deliver the most convincing results.


Hardware and software in harmony

The ingenious combination of our AQuire V4 frontend and the AI-enabled conTEST software makes pass/fail decisions based on vibration and sound measurements taken with an extensive range of sensors, including non-contact data acquisition techniques such as laser vibrometers, microphone sensors, or acceleration sensors for wear and condition monitoring. This enables us to detect a wide variety of vibroacoustic problems. We offer an optimal solution that allows you to test your products for the vibroacoustic properties that you have already carefully optimized in the development process, for example, with ArtemiS SUITE, our state-of-the-art software for structural, sound and vibration analysis, and other tools such as our artificial heads and our acoustic camera.

We've got you covered: Tools, solutions, and services for the whole development and production process, with an integrated approach to vibroacoustic product quality that delivers results on the highest level.

Versatility and precision

Our solution for industrial quality testing is designed for easy integration and trouble-free operation with the most precise results. Thanks to the standardized interfaces, conTEST can be perfectly integrated into EoL test benches or production lines. Communication with control systems allows documentation, limit values and cycle times to be adapted flexibly and automatically. The AQuire V4 hardware processes the data from all standard sensors and transmits it to our conTEST software. Based on innovative signal processing algorithms and fault detection metrics that reflect almost 40 years of experience in industrial acoustics, the AI-enabled conTEST software identifies product anomalies in real-time and makes an immediate decision as to whether the product meets the requirements.

Minimal error

Our solution minimizes the number of false negatives and false positives and easily detects assembly and component faults even in dynamic, rotating and highly resonant systems. HEAD acoustics supports manufacturers in performing process-secure, fully automated, and reliable fault detection and identification under volume production conditions with substantial cost savings. Early fault detection means less reworking and fewer recalls. Overall, HEAD acoustics helps manufacturers bring more reliable products to the market faster.

With AQuire V4 and conTEST, you can carry out end-of-line tests efficiently and quickly. Our solution combines all the necessary sensors, accurate sound and vibration analysis, signal recording, hardware, intelligent signal analysis and flexible interfaces. Thanks to the cross-product compatibility of our tools, we offer a seamless transition from product development with ArtemiS SUITE to testing the acoustic product properties with conTEST.

We look forward to making our latest hardware and software solution available shortly.

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